The Calohea Project

The CALOHEA project unites thirty-one institutions across eight countries within ASEAN and five countries within Europe. The institutions create teams in the subject area of Civil Engineering, Medicine, and Teacher Education. Together these teams form a Subject Area Group (SAG).

Message from the Director of the International Tuning Academy

It is a great opportunity and honour to participate in the 5th National Meeting of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building project Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia (CALOHEA). The project team is very grateful to the University of San Agustin for hosting this national event. The event will not only allow us to share the initial results of the project but also to discuss the importance of modernising degree programmes and the promotion of international cooperation in the ASEAN region and beyond. CALOHEA is based on the TUNING model for the reform of higher education to prepare graduates better for their role in society and the world of work. To this purpose so-called subject-specific reference frameworks have been prepared for three academic fields, that is Civil Engineering, Medicine and Teacher Education. Reference frameworks define internationally agreed quality standards, but also serve as a foundation for curriculum design, implementation and enhancement. They are meant to be forward looking, that is to prepare for real live situations. Read full message

Dr. Robert Wagenaar
Prof. Dr. Robert Wagenaar

Professor of History and Politics of Higher Education

Director of the International Tuning Academy Groningen

President of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context: Euroculture

Fr. Frederick C. Comendador, OSA
President of the University of San Agustin

Message from the President

We are honored to welcome participants to the 5th Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia (CALOHEA) National Meeting at the University of San Agustin on May 19-20, 2023. 

The meeting is a valuable opportunity for educators, researchers, and policymakers to come together to discuss and share best practices for measuring and comparing learning outcomes in higher education. The chance to engage in meaningful collaboration and exchange of ideas on higher education quality assurance and the challenges facing universities in today's rapidly changing global environment will provide us with innovative solutions that make significant progress in enhancing the quality of education and preparing our students for success in the 21st century. 

The University of San Agustin is honored to host this meeting, and we are committed to ensuring that all participants have a productive and enjoyable experience. Our team has been working tirelessly to plan a program that is both informative and engaging, and we are confident that you will find the meeting to be a valuable investment of your time. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the University of San Agustin and to exploring the changing landscape of higher education together.



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